12 Mistakes You'll Make In Your First Year At Queen Mary

Elizabeth Tan on 13 October 2017
12 Mistakes You'll Make In Your First Year At Queen Mary

So you're now a QMUL student and uni life is going great. But you (or your friends) are probably guilty of a few of these Fresher mistakes!

Arriving early at the Mason lecture theatre in Bancroft.

No matter what time you get to that lecture theatre you’re still going to be crammed next to a wall with several people squeezing past you. There’s people everywhere. Lanyards will be caught on bags and breathing space will be minimal. The earlier you arrive, the more time you spend being squished against a crowd of people.

Source: Giphy

The Cursed 4th Floor of Bancroft

We’ve all done it. We’ve all thought it was a clever idea to commit to walking up to the 4th floor of Bancroft whilst simultaneously holding a conversation with someone about how it was a bad idea and not getting the lift was a regrettable choice. *wheeze*

Source: Giphy

Spending too much at Drapers and/or Wetherspoons

Why travel far when you can just roll into Drapers for a night of drunk table tennis? Or, stumble into the Half Moon and join the merry men and women of east London. It’s fun at first until you check your bank account and realise you might need to sacrifice curry day at the old ‘spoons.

Source: Giphy

Rubbish Meal Deals

Sainsbury’s is just a few metres away. That’s convenient. But not only you will spend ages staring at the sad sandwiches, you’ll also have to wait ten years in the queue just to pay your £3. So much for a grabbing a ‘quick’ sandwich.

Source: Giphy

Crossing Mile End Road

The road is very rarely empty and even when you think it’s safe to cross...it isn’t. Always use a crossing and check the road about ten times before thinking about crossing!

Thinking you’ll have lectures in your subject specific buildings

You will have quickly spotted that not all of your lectures, seminars or tutorials are in your subject specific buildings. Poetry in the engineering building? Computing in Arts One? What is this!?

Source: Giphy

Thinking you can revise quietly in Ground

It always seems that as soon as you sit in those comfy sofas it suddenly becomes very very busy. Not even your earphones can block out the radio and noise of all the chat. Also, you’ll find that the queue means you’re going to be late for your lecture and you’ll wish you came earlier.

Source: Giphy

Spending all your print credit

Print credit doesn’t get magically renewed at the beginning of each year. You may find this out the hard way and then you’ll be left with nothing until the end of your degree because it’ll be too awkward to find the top-up machine and then figure out how to work it.

Source: Giphy

Thinking you’ll go to all the societies you signed up for in Freshers

You were given lots of freebies and countless leaflets and it’s a super exciting time of year. But if you signed up to as many societies as you could, you’ll soon realise events clash and you’re too tired to do any of them anyway.

Source: Giphy

Thinking you’re great because you’re wearing your QM ID badge

Second and Third year students don’t do this because they’ve figured out that it’s embarrassing. You’ll get there in time...

Source: Giphy

The Queen’s Building Maze

After its refurbishment it looked a lot better but the several staircases and a million entrances make it very confusing to navigate. It’s even worse when you can see the room you need to be in from the other side of the building and have no idea how to get there without the power of teleportation.

Source: Giphy

Waiting for someone to write about you on QMUL Confessions

Studying at QM opens a brilliant opportunity to meet new people from all walks of life so there’s nothing more pleasing than to see other students writing lovely things about you.

Source: Giphy

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Elizabeth Tan
Elizabeth Tan on 13 October 2017