How to Ace Your First Year at Uni

Joshua McGuiganon 24 September 2018
How to Ace Your First Year at Uni

Not sure quite what to expect from your first year at university? Wondering how to make the most out of this new chapter of your life? Whether you’re giddy with excitement or quaking in your boots, here’s the Student Hut guide to acing your first year.

Your grades matter.

Depending on the university, your first-year marks do count towards your final degree classification, contrary to popular belief. Even if they don’t count towards your final degree, that isn’t an excuse to put the minimum amount of work in. By getting into good studying routines in your first-year, you lay the groundwork for your subsequent years. When you put in the work, you’ll be able to manage the tougher workloads much better than someone who merely wanted to “pass” their first year and is now playing catch-up.

Tips for studying:

1. Keep organized and your study place orderly.

2. Have a study buddy or study group.

3. Set realistic study goals.

4. Drink plenty of water.

Baby reading book intensely

Source: Giphy

Use your time wisely.

Going to university isn't just about studying and people in first year tend to find themselves with tonnes of spare time on their hands. As a way of easing students into the course, first-year timetables are generally quite light - you may even have a day without any classes. This allows students the time to either work a part-time job, join a society/ sports club or to simply have a social life.

Man saying he naps and cries in his free time

Source: Giphy

Find the balance.

It’s important to remember that your studies should be your number one priority. After all, your education is the purpose of you attending university. If you find your part-time job is limiting the amount of time you’re studying then either request less working hours or find a new part-time job which is more flexible. Similar things can be said for social activities. Going out every day of the week is not going to impact your grades positivity. Yet, a healthy social life and support from friends can most definitely give you the motivation to work harder, achieve good grades and ace your first year.

Man balancing on tight rope

Source: Giphy

Take those opportunities!

Student life comes with many perks. Remember all that free stuff you got during Freshers’ week? Or those hand-outs that occur every week or so? In real life, freebies come far less often, so make the most of the student deals and discounts. The Student Union and various societies offer a variety of ways to enhance your university experience while career advisors may provide invaluable advice for your future. Most universities even aim to help willing students secure internships and work experience related to their course. This kind of opportunity has the potential to positively shape your career path - you may even find yourself interning/working abroad in another continent. Take full advantage of all the opportunities available to you before they’re gone.

Tom Hanks running in Forest Gump

Source: Giphy

Enjoy it while it lasts!

Because it will all be over within the blink of an eye…

Aaaand it's gone

Source: Giphy

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Joshua McGuiganon 24 September 2018